Sweet & Tangy: Jamie Oliver’s Rhubarb Jam Recipe with a Twist



When it comes to making homemade jam, nothing beats the unique combination of flavors in the rhubarb jam recipe Jamie Oliver introduced. This delightful recipe not only combines the tartness of rhubarb with the sweet and spicy notes of ginger and orange but also brings a comforting homemade touch to your breakfast table. Let’s dive into the world of making Jamie Oliver’s rhubarb-ginger-and-orange jam and discover the perfect balance of flavors and textures!


Fresh Rhubarb1 kg
White Sugar800 g
Fresh GingerA thumb-sized piece
Oranges2 (zest and juice)
Water100 ml

Fresh Rhubarb

Rhubarb serves as the primary ingredient in this jam, providing its characteristic tart flavor and vibrant color. When selecting fresh rhubarb, ensure that the stalks are firm and free from any signs of wilting or blemishes. Here’s how to prepare and utilize fresh rhubarb:

  • Wash the rhubarb stalks thoroughly under running water to remove any dirt or debris;
  • Trim off the ends and any tough or stringy parts from the rhubarb stalks;
  • Cut the rhubarb into small, evenly sized pieces, aiming for pieces approximately 1-2 inches in length.

White Sugar

White sugar acts as the sweetener in this jam recipe, balancing out the tartness of the rhubarb and enhancing its flavor profile. Here’s how to incorporate white sugar into the jam-making process:

  • Measure out the required amount of white sugar according to the recipe;
  • Add the white sugar to the pot containing the prepared rhubarb, ensuring it is evenly distributed;
  • Stir the mixture until the sugar has completely dissolved, creating a sweet syrup that will bind the jam together.

Fresh Ginger

Fresh ginger adds a delightful warmth and spiciness to the rhubarb jam, complementing its tartness with its unique flavor profile. Here’s how to incorporate fresh ginger into the jam:

  • Peel and finely chop a thumb-sized piece of fresh ginger;
  • Add the chopped ginger to the pot along with the rhubarb and sugar mixture;
  • Stir the mixture to distribute the ginger evenly, allowing its flavors to infuse into the jam as it cooks.


Oranges contribute citrusy notes to the jam, adding brightness and complexity to its flavor profile. Both the zest and juice of oranges are utilized in this recipe. Here’s how to incorporate oranges into the jam:

  • Wash the oranges thoroughly and pat them dry;
  • Use a zester or a fine grater to remove the zest from the oranges, being careful to avoid the bitter white pith;
  • Cut the oranges in half and squeeze out the juice, straining it to remove any seeds or pulp.


Water is a simple yet essential component in the jam-making process, helping to create the syrupy base that binds the ingredients together. Here’s how to incorporate water into the recipe:

  • Measure out the required amount of water according to the recipe;
  • Add the water to the pot containing the rhubarb, sugar, ginger, and orange mixture;
  • Stir the mixture to combine all the ingredients, ensuring they are evenly distributed before cooking the jam.


Ginger jam cooking

Below is a detailed step-by-step guide outlining the method for preparing rhubarb and ginger jam. Follow these instructions carefully to ensure successful results.

Prepare Rhubarb

Before you begin making the jam, it’s crucial to properly prepare the rhubarb. Follow these steps:

  • Wash the rhubarb thoroughly under running water to remove any dirt or debris;
  • Using a sharp knife, trim off the ends and any tough or stringy parts from the rhubarb stalks;
  • Chop the rhubarb into small, evenly sized pieces, aiming for pieces approximately 1-2 inches in length to ensure even cooking and a smooth texture in the jam.

Ginger and Orange Zest

The addition of ginger and orange zest adds depth and complexity to the flavor profile of the jam. Here’s how to prepare them:

  • Peel a thumb-sized piece of fresh ginger and finely chop it into small pieces;
  • Wash the oranges and pat them dry. Use a zester or a fine grater to grate the zest from the oranges, being careful to only remove the outer orange layer and avoid the bitter white pith.


The cooking process is where all the ingredients come together to form the jam. Follow these steps to ensure success:

  • In a large, heavy-bottomed pan, combine the chopped rhubarb, chopped ginger, grated orange zest, white sugar, and water;
  • Place the pan over low heat and stir the mixture continuously until the sugar has completely dissolved. This creates a sweet syrup that binds the jam together.


Simmering allows the flavors to meld together and the rhubarb to soften. Follow these steps:

  • Once the sugar has dissolved, increase the heat to medium-high to bring the mixture to a gentle boi;
  • Allow the mixture to simmer for approximately 10 minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent sticking and ensure even cooking.

Test Consistency

Testing the consistency ensures that the jam is ready to be jarred. Here’s how:

  • To test the consistency of the jam, drop a small amount onto a cold plate or saucer;
  • Allow the jam to cool for a few seconds, then push it gently with your finger. If it wrinkles and holds its shape, it has reached the desired consistency.

Jar Up

Once the jam is ready, it’s time to transfer it into jars for storage. Follow these steps:

  • Remove the pan from the heat and let the jam cool slightly;
  • While still warm, carefully transfer the jam into sterilized jars, leaving a small amount of space at the top of each jar to allow for expansion during storage;
  • Seal the jars tightly with sterilized lids and allow them to cool completely at room temperature before labeling and storing in a cool, dark place.

Tasting Notes

Delving into the sensory experience of the rhubarb jam recipe, it’s important to note its taste, texture, and overall appeal.


The rhubarb jam recipe, as suggested by Jamie Oliver, offers a delightful flavor profile that strikes a perfect balance between various elements:

  • Tartness of Rhubarb: The inherent tartness of rhubarb shines through, providing a refreshing and tangy undertone to the jam;
  • Sweetness of Sugar: The addition of sugar brings a satisfying sweetness that complements the tartness of the rhubarb without overpowering it;
  • Zingy Hint of Ginger: The inclusion of ginger adds a subtle yet distinctive warmth and spice, enhancing the overall complexity of flavors;
  • Citrus Notes from Orange: With the addition of orange zest and juice, the jam boasts bright citrusy notes that add vibrancy and freshness to each bite.


In addition to its flavor, the texture of the rhubarb jam plays a crucial role in its overall enjoyment:

  • Smooth Yet Slightly Chunky: The jam exhibits a smooth consistency with small, tender chunks of rhubarb dispersed throughout, adding textural interest;
  • Soft Spreadability: Its soft and easily spreadable texture makes it perfect for slathering onto bread, scones, or using as a filling in pastries.

Jamie’s Tips

Jam on a spoon

Jamie Oliver provides valuable tips to enhance your rhubarb jam-making experience, ensuring optimal results and flavor.

Pectin Level

Rhubarb, although flavorful, is naturally low in pectin, the substance responsible for thickening jams and jellies. To achieve the desired consistency in your rhubarb jam, it’s essential to cook it well. Here’s how:

  • Cooking Process: Cook the rhubarb mixture over low heat for an extended period, allowing the natural sugars and pectin to concentrate and thicken the jam. Stirring regularly helps distribute the pectin evenly for a consistent texture.

Sterilizing Jars

Properly sterilized jars are crucial for preserving the freshness and longevity of your homemade jam. Follow these steps to sterilize your jars effectively:

  • Cleaning: Wash the jars and lids thoroughly in hot, soapy water to remove any dirt or residue;
  • Boiling Method: Submerge the jars and lids in a large pot of boiling water for at least 10 minutes. Ensure they are fully submerged to kill any bacteria or microorganisms;
  • Drying: Carefully remove the sterilized jars and lids from the boiling water using tongs or a jar lifter. Place them upside down on a clean kitchen towel to air dry completely before filling them with jam.

Flavor Variations

Experimenting with different flavor combinations can elevate your rhubarb jam to new heights. Here are some ideas for flavor variations:

  • Cinnamon: Add a dash of ground cinnamon to the rhubarb mixture for a warm and spicy flavor profile that pairs beautifully with the tartness of the rhubarb;
  • Vanilla: Infuse the jam with the aromatic essence of vanilla by adding a scraped vanilla bean or a splash of pure vanilla extract. This adds depth and richness to the flavor, enhancing the overall complexity of the jam.

Pairing Ideas

Explore various ways to enjoy your homemade rhubarb and ginger jam by pairing it with different foods for a delightful culinary experience.

On Toast

Enjoy the classic combination of rhubarb jam and toast for a simple yet satisfying breakfast or snack option. Here’s how to elevate your toast experience:

  • Spread: Generously spread the rhubarb and ginger jam over slices of freshly toasted bread. The warmth of the toast enhances the jam’s flavors, creating a comforting and indulgent treat.

Yogurt Parfait

Transform your ordinary yogurt into a decadent and nutritious parfait by incorporating rhubarb jam. Follow these steps to create a delicious yogurt parfait:

  • Layering: In a glass or bowl, alternate layers of creamy Greek yogurt with spoonfuls of rhubarb and ginger jam. The tartness of the yogurt balances the sweetness of the jam, creating a harmonious flavor profile;
  • Granola: Sprinkle a layer of crunchy granola over the yogurt and jam layers for added texture and a hint of nuttiness. This provides a satisfying crunch and makes the parfait more filling.

Dessert Topping

Elevate your favorite desserts by using rhubarb and ginger jam as a flavorful topping. Whether it’s ice cream, cheesecake, or pudding, the jam adds a zesty twist to your sweet treats:

  • Drizzling: Drizzle the rhubarb jam generously over scoops of vanilla ice cream or slices of creamy cheesecake. The tangy flavor of the jam contrasts beautifully with the richness of the desserts, creating a delectable flavor combination;
  • Garnish: For an extra touch of elegance, garnish the desserts with fresh mint leaves or citrus zest before serving. This adds a pop of color and freshness, enhancing the visual appeal of the dish.

Storage and Shelf Life


Proper storage is essential to maintain the freshness and quality of your homemade rhubarb and ginger jam. Follow these guidelines to ensure optimal storage conditions and shelf life.


To preserve the flavor and texture of your rhubarb and ginger jam, it’s important to store it correctly:

  • Cool, Dark Place: Store the sealed jars of jam in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight. Excessive heat and light exposure can cause the jam to degrade and lose its quality;
  • Room Temperature: Ideally, store the jam at room temperature, such as in a pantry or cupboard. Ensure the storage area is dry and well-ventilated to prevent moisture buildup, which can lead to mold growth;
  • Avoid Refrigeration: While it’s safe to refrigerate opened jars of jam, it’s best to avoid refrigerating unopened jars, as the cold temperatures can cause the sugar to crystallize and affect the texture of the jam.

Shelf Life

The shelf life of rhubarb and ginger jam depends on several factors, including storage conditions and the presence of preservatives. Follow these guidelines for optimal shelf life:

  • Unopened Jars: When stored properly in a cool, dark place, unopened jars of rhubarb and ginger jam can last for up to 1 year. Check the jars regularly for any signs of spoilage, such as mold growth or off odors;
  • Opened Jars: Once opened, transfer the jam to the refrigerator and use it within 4 weeks. Refrigeration helps slow down the growth of bacteria and mold, preserving the freshness of the jam for a longer period;
  • Quality Check: Before consuming the jam, always inspect it visually and smell it to ensure it hasn’t spoiled. Discard any jam that appears moldy, discolored, or has an off smell, as it may pose a health risk.


Creating your batch of Jamie Oliver’s rhubarb jam recipe is not just about making a condiment; it’s an entire culinary experience. From the careful preparation of ingredients to the bubbling pot filling your kitchen with aromatic smells, this rhubarb-ginger-and-orange jam is truly a journey of flavors. This journey doesn’t end here, though. Why not take this delightful adventure a step further by exploring the sweet and unique world of Fifteens? These traditional, no-bake treats, popular for their simplicity and delightful taste, could be the perfect companion to your homemade jam. Whether you’re a seasoned jam-maker or a first-timer, this rhubarb jam recipe guarantees a delightful and flavorful result, just like the joy of making and enjoying Fifteens. So, with your apron on and a spoon in hand, let’s dive into the sweet world of homemade treats. 


Can I use frozen rhubarb for this recipe?

Absolutely! Just ensure it’s thawed and drained of excess liquid before use.

How do I know if the jam is set?

Perform the “wrinkle test” by dropping a small amount of jam onto a cold plate. If it wrinkles when pushed, it’s set.

Can I reduce the sugar in this recipe?

Yes, but keep in mind that sugar helps in setting the jam and preserving it.